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萬事如意- English translation – LingueeMany translated example sentences containing "萬事如意" – English-Chinese dictionary and search engine for English translations.万事如意- wàn shì rú yì - Chinese character definition, English ...See the Chinese word for to have all one's wishes (idiom), its pinyin wàn shì rú yì, meaning, example sentences for 万事如意, its traditional form 萬事如意, ...Linas Linkevicius no Twitter: "新年到了。

祝中国朋友春节快乐,猴年 ...祝中国朋友春节快乐,猴年有福,万事如意,步步高! Happy #NewYear of the # Monkey! 21:24 - 7 de feb. de 2016. 7 rechouchíos; 9 gústames; LTEMBASSYIL ...【吉祥話抱佛腳急救包!】 英文吉祥話只會講“Happy Chinese New ...... New Year" 嗎? 想要一年的開始就財源滾滾,紅包拿不完, 來學「恭喜發財」、 「萬事如意」的英文吧! 學完這十句吉祥話,讓你長知識又可以嚐到甜頭VoiceTube 祝大家新年快樂:) http://goo.gl/1QVDMz. ... tw.blog.voicetube.com. 恭喜發財, ...萬事如意in English,meaning,萬事如意translated into English ...May all go well with you! Everything goes as you wish. Web explanation 万事如意 - Everything goes well,all the best,Hope everything goes your way 祝你 ...英文吉祥話、農曆過年吉祥話大集合 - Hitutor萬事如意May everything go as you hope. 英文過年吉祥話14. 身壯力健Have a healthy and active year 英文過年吉祥話15. 新春大吉Wishing you good fortune.Translation of 万事如意! to English with audio for 万事如意 ...English definition and translation from Chinese of: 万事如意! with examples on how to use, sound, pronunciation, stroke order animations for each character ...Best of Learn Chinese | 100+ ideas on Pinterest in 2020 | learn ...财源广进、万事如意、风调雨顺,你会用英语说吗?恭喜发财、心想事成,你想用英语送几句吉祥话吗?100个与春节相关的英文用语↓过节祝福 ...萬事如意- Wiktionarymore ▽. Mandarin. (Pinyin): wànshìrúyì: (Zhuyin): ㄨㄢˋ ㄕˋ ㄖㄨˊ ㄧˋ. Cantonese. (Guangzhou, Jyutping): maan6 si6 jyu4 ji3: (Taishan, Wiktionary): man5 ...素食主義者-素食主義者-低過敏原-天然-零食 - hundsfutterEnglish Chicken Project是一個很好的例子,說明只需很少的投入就可以實現很多。


