conducive to用法

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conducive是什么意思_conducive在线翻译_英语_读音_用法_例句_海 ...conducive的用法和样例:. 例句. 用作形容词 (adj.) Fresh air is conducive to health . 新鲜空气有助 ..."Conducive"的意思和用法| HiNative"Conducive" 的用法和例句. Q: 請提供關於conducive 的例句給我。

A: "An excellent classroom is conducive to learning." It is actually not a very common word, ...conducive 在英語中的意思 - Cambridge Dictionaryconducive的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. providing the right conditions for something good to happen or exist: 2. providing the right…。


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WTO no Twitter: "At the book launch, author Emmanuelle Ganne ...2018年11月27日 · For services, it could with smart contracts do what robots did for manufacturing. But it is only a tool so it requires a conducive ecosystem.(PDF) Do You Really Follow Them? Automatic Detection of ...2019年12月12日 · Automatic Detection of Credulous Twitter Users ... to find out credulous Twitter users, by considering a number of features that ... 4Bot Repository Datasets: https :// ... the calculation of their influence, which is conducive to strengthening supervision on the users by their influence ranking.Committed, inspiring, and healthy teachers: How do school ...... classroom climate that fosters student attentiveness, a climate that is conducive to learning. ... C. Fernet, G.L. Lavigne, R.J. Vallerand, S. AustinFired up with passion: ... W.B. Schaufeli, T.W. TarisA critical review of the job demands- resources ...Hotels near Musikaffee Cafe, Taipei - Taiwan - AgodaRoom is quiet from corridor and street sounds and makes sleep conducive. All daily amenities are provided and replenished daily. As there is only 1 restaurant,  ...Online Platforms Are Leveling the Playing Field for Global Job Seekers2015年6月11日 · While credentials are meant to signal what someone is able to do, they can also limit opportunities for job-seekers who have taken less traditional ...Retinoblastoma - NCBI - NIH2015年8月27日 · Chantada GL, et al. ... Munier FL, Balmer A, van Melle G, Gailloud C. Radial asymmetry in the ... Theriault BL, Dimaras H, Gallie BL, Corson TW.
