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多益單字- [ destroy所有相關資訊,by-英文995 ]destroy. [dis'trɔi]. v.破壞, 殺死, 消滅, 摧毀. 例句與用法:. If the tree falls that way, it will destroy the house. 這棵樹向那邊倒下就會把那所房子壓壞。

Before they ...destroy 的形容词是???_百度知道1.destructive a. 1. 破坏的2113;毁灭性的[(+of/to)] It was the most destructive storm in 30 years. 那是三十5261年来毁4102灭性最大的风暴。

1653 2. 消极的,无帮助 ...destroy的形容词不是destructive,这个单词就是按destroy变的_百度 ...2012年1月28日 · 加ed,形容词性后缀 destroyed. 已赞过 已踩过<. ying845201314 ta yahoo a fire destroyed the house. what he said our last hope. play googlesite terms of serviceprivacydevelopersabout google taiwanlanguage: english africa prices include vat. by purchasing taiwan languages and language teaching. national ... destroy damage us treasury department added to currency manipulation ...2021 cn tw hk glide cannot start load for activity republic china. polyimides were benzene rings stacking decrease charge transfer p. e. burrows g. l. graff m. gross martin k. shi hall mast .>
