「路上小心」的英文怎麼說? - 中英物語ChToEn 知道
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路上小心的英文怎麼說?★ 路上小心的英文怎麼說路上小心的英文例句Ifyoudriveacar,pleasebecarefulontheroad.Pleasewatchoutontheroad.Therearebears,wolvesandwilddeeroutthere.A:IamtakingastrolltoTaipei101now.B:Walksafe.WhenIdriveawayfrommyaunt'shouse,shealwayssays"Safetrip"or"Safejourney"asIleave.Howniceofher
- 1英語口語:「小心」的十種英文說法- 每日頭條
我發誓一定要學好英文。 小心滑倒! Chinglish: Slip carefully (sometimes Carefully slip and fall down). Actually: B...
- 2形容做事小心,英文只會說"very careful"?改說這一句,讓你的 ...
形容做事小心,英文只會說"very careful"?改說這一句,讓你的英文更有畫面感.
- 3英文有益思- 【#一次學三個TOEIC單字】 講到謹慎小心的,腦 ...
She's very careful to hold the puppy. 她很小心的抱這小狗。 punctilious (a.) I'm punctilious about my work a...
- 4「路上小心」的英文怎麼說? - 中英物語ChToEn 知道
路上小心的英文例句. If you drive a car, please be careful on the road. Please watch out on the road. There...
- 5「路上小心」的英文怎麼說? - Facebook
【路上小心的英文】「路上小心」的英文怎麼說?請填空: A: I am going home now. B: ______ 【1】Have a safe trip. 【2】Safe Travels...