Dying Light 2's Unbreakable Weapon Charm makes a ...

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Dying Light 2's Unbreakable Weapon Charm makes a massive mistake. Techland promises that it'll repair it ... The only way to make weapons ... Skiptothecontent Home2022March10DyingLight2’sUnbreakableWeaponCharmmakesamassivemistake.Techlandpromisesthatit’llrepairit DyingLight2,fansaren’thappythattheunbreakableKorekweaponscharmhasbeenmassivelynerfed,withTechlandpromisingit’sgoingtolookintofixingit. OneofthebiggestpointsofcontentionintheDyingLightcommunityisthatmostofthegame’sweaponscanbebrokenandonlyrepairedonceatime.Shortlyafterthegameslaunch,therewasasecretdeveloperroomwithsomeeastereggsforfans,alongwiththeKorekweaponcharmwhichmadeweaponsunbreakable. Relative:OlivierDeriviereInterview:I’vebeenplayingmorethantwohundredhoursofDyingLight. Thecommunitywell-foundedthisegglettingplayersholdholdofsomerarerweaponsinthegameandeventuallyturnitoffoneofmorecontroversialgameplaymechanics.Arecentupdateofthegamedoesn’tworkbutthecharmhassungallovertheplace,andthecommunitywasbadlyuneasy. Beforethemostrecentpatch,theKorekCharmadded+500durabilitytoaweapon,makingthemnearenoughdurable.That’snowbeenloweredto+1300strength,makingweaponseasiertobreakevenwiththeeastereggattachedtothem.Nowcosts666scrapforcrafting,addinganotherrequirementinwhatwassupposedtobeafunsecretforplayers.Evenworse,thischangewasn’tlistedinthepatchnotes,anditwasjustthatmucheasierforplayerstofindit. Thecommunityhasreactedprettyvenomously,someplayersinthecommunityarguethatthechangewasexecuted“awfully”.TheDyingLightTwitteraccountrespondedtoangryplayersandannouncedthatitwouldbelookingintoKorekCharmandmakingsomechangestothat. OnTwitter’sofficialaccount,“TheKorekcharmisgoingtobechangedinthenextupdatesalotbecauseweheardalotoffeedback.Wewantedtobalanceitandnotmakeitunfunny.Whileplayersarecallingforthechangestobechangedaltogether,itseemsthatitisgoingtobefurtheradjustedratherthanreturnedtothesameagethatthechangeswereoriginallymade. Previouspost MiyazakiSaysEldenRingAndDarkSoulsCo-OpInspiredbyHelpfulStrangers Nextpost EvilDead:Thegametrailersaysithasa“MassiveGameWorld”trailer Wecanjustimaginewhattherestoftheyearhastooffergamersaroundtheworld.Inthemeantime,... NoahSJuly22,2022 Forthefirsttimesinceitslaunch,ForHonorwillreceivetheEgyptianheroMedjay.TheHeathmoreupdatewillcome... MasonJuly22,2022 ThePokemonuniverseisvast,andfansareconstantlydiggingupnicheinformationaboutthegamesmanyyearsafterit's... MasonJuly22,2022 HelloGameshasreleasedNoMansSkyupdate3.95(PS5version3.095).Thisbringsfixestothebugsfromthe... AlexGM24July22,2022 Today,SunblinklaunchedtheHeroishcastledefensegameonanAppleArcade.Itisthelatestcreationfromaveteran... JacobJuly22,2022 RatalaikaGamesisputtingthearcadetitlesofthe90sonitswaytomodernconsolesnextweek.Thetwo-player... 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