Google Translate tells world to 'live with communists' - Taiwan ...
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In the next screenshot, she typed "Down with the Communists" in English, but the result Google spit out in Simplified Chinese was "与共产党共处, ... StayloggedinForgetpassword? Login Notyetamember?Register E-Mail 送出 返回登入頁
- 1Download & use Google Translate - Android
- 2Google Translate - Chrome Web Store
Highlight or right-click on a section of text and click on Translate icon next to it to translate...
- 3Google 翻譯- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
然而,當所翻譯的文字較短時,其他規則法機器翻譯(rule-based machine translation)卻表現得更好,這在中文到英語的翻譯中尤為明顯。 世界各地Google翻譯朗讀使用的英...
- 4Google Translate tells world to 'live with communists' - Taiwan ...
In the next screenshot, she typed "Down with the Communists" in English, but the result Google sp...
- 5DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator
Popular: Spanish to English, French to English, and Japanese to English. Other languages: Bulgari...