Romans 8:20–22 ESV - For the creation was… | Biblia

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Romans 8:20–22 — New Century Version (NCV) ... 20 Everything God made was changed to become useless, not by its own wish but because God wanted it and because all ... A A Linkpanels(synchronizereferences) Gototableofcontents Singlecolumn Stretchacrossbothcolumns Showreadingview(Fullscreen) ShowCommunityNotes A A Share Loading… Sorry,anerrorwasencounteredwhileloadingcomparison. Sorry,anerrorwasencounteredwhileloadingthebook. Sorry,youdon'thavepermissiontoviewthatbook. Nomatches. Sorry,anerrorwasencounteredwhileloadingpartofthebook. Anerroroccurredwhilemarkingthedevotionalasread. Anerroroccurredwhileaccessingfavorites
