ShiaJiBaWan - Summoner Stats - League of Legends -
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... Soraka, Swain, Sylas, Syndra, Tahm Kench, Taliyah, Talon, Taric, Teemo, Thresh, Tristana, Trundle, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Twitch, Udyr, Urgot, Varus ... S2021Master 107 ShiaJiBaWan Favorites LadderRank2,785(0.0559%oftop) Update TierGraph HowmanyhoursdidyouplayLOL? Lastupdated:2021-12-1422:21:07 Summary Champions LiveGame RankedSolo Master 148LP / 528W 460L WinRatio53% Jax'sVigilantes Flex5:5Rank Unranked Preseason Total RankedSolo RankedFlex5v5 Trundle CS34.4(1.5) 1.98:1 KDA 1.4 / 5.9 / 10.1 71% 7Played Leona CS24.2(1.2) 2.41:1 KDA 1.7 / 4.5 / 9.2 50% 6Played Lulu CS13.0(0.5) 2.16:1 KDA 1.3 / 6.3 / 12.3 25% 4Played Maokai CS39.0(1.1) 1.91:1 KDA 1.7 / 7.7 / 13.0 33% 3Played Blitzcrank CS31.5(1.1) 3.64:1 KDA 2.5 / 5.5 / 17.5 100% 2Played Nautilus CS32.5(1.5) 1.44:1 KDA 0.5 / 4.5 / 6.0 50% 2Played Karma CS15.0(0.6) 1.41:1 KDA 0.5 / 8.5 / 11.5 50% 2Played ShowMore+PastSeasons RankedWinrateforpast7days. Leona 100% 2W Lulu 0% 1L RecentlyPlayedWith(Recent20Games) Summoner Played Win Lose WinRatio mingtianshangban 4 2 2 50% Factory 2 1 1 50% 봉풀주애니비아 2 2 0 100% xiaoketang 2 1 1 50% Total RankedSolo RankedFlex QueueType Normal(BlindPick) ARAM Bot Clash EventGame RecentlyPlayed Leona Lulu Karma Trundle Maokai Thresh ChampionList AllChampions Aatrox Ahri Akali Akshan Alistar Amumu Anivia Annie Aphelios Ashe AurelionSol Azir Bard Blitzcrank Brand Braum Caitlyn Camille Cassiopeia Cho'Gath Corki Darius Diana Dr.Mundo Draven Ekko Elise Evelynn Ezreal Fiddlesticks Fiora Fizz Galio Gangplank Garen Gnar Gragas Graves Gwen Hecarim Heimerdinger Illaoi Irelia Ivern Janna JarvanIV Jax Jayce Jhin Jinx Kai'Sa Kalista Karma Karthus Kassadin Katarina Kayle Kayn Kennen Kha'Zix Kindred Kled Kog'Maw LeBlanc LeeSin Leona Lillia Lissandra Lucian Lulu Lux Malphite Malzahar Maokai MasterYi MissFortune Mordekaiser Morgana Nami Nasus Nautilus Neeko Nidalee Nocturne Nunu&Willump Olaf Orianna Ornn Pantheon Poppy Pyke Qiyana Quinn Rakan Rammus Rek'Sai Rell Renekton Rengar Riven Rumble Ryze Samira Sejuani Senna Seraphine Sett Shaco Shen Shyvana Singed Sion Sivir Skarner Sona Soraka Swain Sylas Syndra TahmKench Taliyah Talon Taric Teemo Thresh Tristana Trundle Tryndamere TwistedFate Twitch Udyr Urgot Varus Vayne Veigar Vel'Koz Vex Vi Viego Viktor Vladimir Volibear Warwick Wukong Xayah Xerath XinZhao Yasuo Yone Yorick Yuumi Zac Zed Ziggs Zilean Zoe Zyra ThatChampiondoesn'tappeartoexist! 20G 9W 11L NotfoundChampion 70%(2W2L) 2.12KDA NotfoundChampion 70%(2W2L) 2.12KDA NotfoundChampion 70%(2W2L) 2.12KDA PreferredPosition(Rank) 45% 1.2/ 6.3/ 9.5 1.68:1 (46%) ? ?%WinRatio ?% ? ?%WinRatio ?% ? ?%WinRatio ?% NotfoundPosition Dataanalysisofrecent20games UseOPScoretogetamoreaccuratebreakdownofyourskilllevel.Beta WhatisOPScore? Aratingsystemthatmeasuresausersperformancewithinagamebycombiningstatsrelatedtorole,laningphase,kills/deaths/damage/wards/damagetoobjectivesetc. BestPlayerSelection MVP Thesummonerthatperformedthebestinthematch ACE Bestlosingplayer,thesummonerthatperformedthebestforthelosingteam RangeofScores 0 10 ForOPScore'sbetatest,basedonthecharacteristicsofeachmatchyourresultsmaybesomewhatinaccurateWewillkeeptryingtoimprovetheindicatorsandcalculationsusedinOPScoresowecancreatethemostobjectiveratingpossible.Pleasegiveusanyfeedback. RankedSolo 2021-12-1420:25:46 Victory 24m13s Leona 2/ 3/ 14 5.33:1KDA Level12 34(1.4)CS P/Kill64% TierAverage Master ControlWard10 Cassiopeia Cassiopeia pupouo Nidalee Nidalee qianlilu Zed Zed 날먹챔프안함 Jinx Jinx 무장원딜 Leona Leona ShiaJiBaWan Jayce Jayce 87nuo Kindred Kindred JGyky Syndra Syndra TwitchTV문다오 Samira Samira WantWin Rell Rell 원캔들 RankedSolo 2021-12-1419:45:23 Defeat 20m10s Lulu 0/ 6/ 2 0.33:1KDA Level9 6(0.3)CS P/Kill13% TierAverage Diamond1 ControlWard7 Gwen Gwen 최일수 Kha'Zix Kha'Zix DGGAnjiangOvO Vex Vex 조닥수 Samira Samira Gunwithknife Rakan Rakan 대표라칸 Akali Akali PPhf020 Graves Graves 타카하시료스케 Irelia Irelia 맘껏짖어봐 Aphelios Aphelios EuRopEAn Lulu Lulu ShiaJiBaWan RankedSolo 2021-12-1114:50:32 Victory 15m30s Leona 1/ 2/ 7 4.00:1KDA Level8 21(1.4)CS P/Kill31% TierAverage Master ControlWard6 Jayce Jayce xiyangyangQAQ Nidalee Nidalee su1j1y1ngb1an Viktor Viktor Patch11o24 Jhin Jhin boodeurami Heimerdinger Heimerdinger TTV먹물1 Gnar Gnar 나르디노스 LeeSin LeeSin 예티킬러 Zoe Zoe Karinaaa Ezreal Ezreal 정흠이1 Leona Leona ShiaJiBaWan RankedSolo 2021-12-1009:49:07 Defeat 21m42s Karma 0/ 8/ 3 0.38:1KDA Level8 11(0.5)CS P/Kill33% TierAverage Master ControlWard7 Kled Kled 좀비클레드 Ekko Ekko 더많이잘하고싶다 Zed Zed Deadly Vayne Vayne 난재능없긴해 Leona Leona KaRong Shen Shen 젱신벵 Karthus Karthus Fairybn Yone Yone 포항사는진재승 Jinx Jinx 세린냥이 Karma Karma ShiaJiBaWan RankedSolo 2021-12-1009:19:24 Defeat 28m1s Leona 1/ 7/ 11 1.71:1KDA Level12 38(1.4)CS P/Kill48% TierAverage Master ControlWard11 Jax Jax 정글못하면던져줌 Nidalee Nidalee byzfan Zed Zed 응애MID Vayne Vayne 송내역와플 Yuumi Yuumi Canarus Viktor Viktor Thomastz Talon Talon DoJerry Malphite Malphite Deadly Lucian Lucian 훈이fan Leona Leona ShiaJiBaWan RankedSolo 2021-12-1006:43:10 Victory 28m26s Karma 1/ 9/ 20 2.33:1KDA Level13 19(0.7)CS P/Kill72% TierAverage Master ControlWard12 Irelia Irelia Kopdi LeeSin LeeSin 현아지 Anivia Anivia 봉풀주애니비아 Jhin Jhin 단하나의사운드 Karma Karma ShiaJiBaWan Yone Yone 한라인은터진다 Zed Zed FADoillchul Zac Zac 새침한뚜기 Jinx Jinx 달콤하게영원한사랑을전할래 Lulu Lulu 디올a RankedSolo 2021-12-0513:00:41 Defeat 17m36s Trundle 1/ 5/ 2 0.60:1KDA Level8 23(1.3)CS P/Kill27% TierAverage Master ControlWard4 Viktor Viktor NSCalix Poppy Poppy limit Akali Akali 쵸비만큼 Jhin Jhin childish Thresh Thresh 도구는툴툴 Irelia Irelia 듀오X솔랭O Rek'Sai Rek'Sai mingtianshangban Jayce Jayce IMTRevenge Jinx Jinx Factory Trundle Trundle ShiaJiBaWan RankedSolo 2021-12-0512:17:02 Defeat 37m1s Maokai 0/ 7/ 5 0.71:1KDA Level12 41(1.1)CS P/Kill31% TierAverage Master ControlWard12 Jayce Jayce yuhuozhanshen Rek'Sai Rek'Sai mingtianshangban TwistedFate TwistedFate UHan Xayah Xayah 저아니우결 Maokai Maokai ShiaJiBaWan Malphite Malphite 고래칭찬하는 LeeSin LeeSin qqqqqwwwww Anivia Anivia 봉풀주애니비아 Aphelios Aphelios arrowIoI Lulu Lulu 디올a RankedSolo 2021-12-0511:33:52 Victory 32m34s Maokai 3/ 7/ 15 2.57:1KDA Level14 38(1.2)CS P/Kill55% TierAverage Master ControlWard17 Jayce Jayce TheShyF4N Rek'Sai Rek'Sai mingtianshangban Anivia Anivia 봉풀주애니비아 Jhin Jhin 닉닉넴넴 Maokai Maokai ShiaJiBaWan Wukong Wukong ignorancemaster Taliyah Taliyah cishengbuhuan Zed Zed Akeboshi Jinx Jinx Factory Zilean Zilean 시계왕 RankedSolo 2021-12-0510:56:35 Defeat 15m43s Leona 2/ 3/ 4 2.00:1KDA Level8 16(1)CS P/Kill67% TierAverage Master ControlWard6 Kennen Kennen 20060909 Kayn Kayn 전생한다이아 TwistedFate TwistedFate 쥐려 Caitlyn Caitlyn 꼬형 Lux Lux 암살럭스 Sylas Sylas Daremosinzinai Jayce Jayce 날아무도모를거야 Galio Galio 공군834기 Jhin Jhin 고수달 Leona Leona ShiaJiBaWan RankedSolo 2021-12-0422:26:04 Defeat 32m59s Maokai 2/ 9/ 19 2.33:1KDA Level13 38(1.2)CS P/Kill46% TierAverage Master ControlWard11 Graves Graves 절망에빠지다 LeeSin LeeSin Stopthefaking Ryze Ryze 이쁜이유 Xayah Xayah ligongxiaozi Nami Nami 괴물붕어 Shen Shen 탑다리우스경 Kindred Kindred Aireen Fizz Fizz 기정fan Jhin Jhin 비비는귀엽습니다 Maokai Maokai ShiaJiBaWan RankedSolo 2021-12-0421:38:17 Victory 15m48s Thresh 1/ 2/ 9 5.00:1KDA Level8 25(1.6)CS P/Kill63% TierAverage Master ControlWard6 Yone Yone ligongxiaozi LeeSin LeeSin XiaoYangGao Syndra Syndra 이쁜이유 Kalista Kalista Matchman Rakan Rakan churentoudi Akshan Akshan xiaoketang XinZhao XinZhao DKJDosa Diana Diana 맨날좋아요 Jhin Jhin 유튜브ShROTs충 Thresh Thresh ShiaJiBaWan RankedSolo 2021-12-0409:20:50 Victory 23m39s Trundle 1/ 10/ 8 0.90:1KDA Level10 29(1.2)CS P/Kill31% TierAverage Master ControlWard9 Neeko Neeko StanleyFans Ekko Ekko 발목잡지말아줘 Talon Talon dansafakerzz MissFortune MissFortune powder98 Maokai Maokai 용민친피지컬 Malphite Malphite QaQbQcQ Rek'Sai Rek'Sai mingtianshangban Syndra Syndra Toomisty Jinx Jinx Factory Trundle Trundle ShiaJiBaWan RankedSolo 2021-12-0408:29:53 Defeat 25m1s Thresh 0/ 7/ 10 1.43:1KDA Level10 25(1)CS P/Kill59% TierAverage Master ControlWard7 Akali Akali 보고싶다송현이 Warwick Warwick shiebuyaotian Tryndamere Tryndamere 볼빵빵햄찌이 Caitlyn Caitlyn 박양송이 Lulu Lulu Findmyse1f Malphite Malphite 700O Nidalee Nidalee PBM97 Yone Yone 출발점에서다 Vayne Vayne 현예슬 Thresh Thresh ShiaJiBaWan RankedSolo 2021-12-0221:01:54 Defeat 26m39s Trundle 1/ 10/ 13 1.40:1KDA Level10 35(1.3)CS P/Kill64% TierAverage Diamond1 ControlWard9 Yone Yone Alwaysfall Viego Viego FoxRiver Katarina Katarina 보듬어줘요 Lucian Lucian 우유좋다 Trundle Trundle ShiaJiBaWan Jax Jax 세르델 LeeSin LeeSin 소스보기 Kassadin Kassadin 단군의청춘부재I Jhin Jhin 용범인뎅 Nautilus Nautilus 유비삼키기 RankedSolo 2021-12-0220:26:51 Defeat 15m16s Leona 1/ 9/ 5 0.67:1KDA Level6 14(0.9)CS P/Kill50% TierAverage Master ControlWard6 Twitch Twitch gtqeti023 Ekko Ekko yinheyoujikexun Gangplank Gangplank xiaoketang Yone Yone 소스보기 Leona Leona ShiaJiBaWan Shen Shen 하리맛 Graves Graves FatTiger TwistedFate TwistedFate 구1두라미 Draven Draven sureiwillwin Blitzcrank Blitzcrank Iovenpeace RankedSolo 2021-12-0208:15:19 Victory 18m55s Leona 3/ 3/ 14 5.67:1KDA Level10 22(1.2)CS P/Kill47% TierAverage Master ControlWard5 Quinn Quinn 살티레 Kindred Kindred llyfans Sylas Sylas 한번만안고싶어 Aphelios Aphelios Rteefake Thresh Thresh 달달하구여 Irelia Irelia 03topKR Talon Talon 1등1등1등 Akali Akali 엉덩이좋아1 Caitlyn Caitlyn 주상좌 Leona Leona ShiaJiBaWan RankedSolo 2021-12-0207:50:41 Victory 24m39s Trundle 1/ 6/ 5 1.00:1KDA Level11 44(1.8)CS P/Kill18% TierAverage Diamond2 ControlWard10 Sett Sett 드래곤주먹지대호 Hecarim Hecarim 까비드릴조 Viktor Viktor 블루달라 Draven Draven 외로운빵빵이 Maokai Maokai SKTX1faker TahmKench TahmKench 콧코이 Graves Graves tn13i Cassiopeia Cassiopeia lol도날드lol Jhin Jhin 용범인뎅 Trundle Trundle ShiaJiBaWan RankedSolo 2021-12-0207:07:57 Defeat 33m20s Lulu 1/ 9/ 11 1.33:1KDA Level13 16(0.5)CS P/Kill40% TierAverage Diamond2 ControlWard16 Akali Akali 000110 LeeSin LeeSin 후이2잉 Zoe Zoe 2005MIDKING MissFortune MissFortune 잡종버러지짐승 Leona Leona 강한남자김동준 Irelia Irelia Celeryy Graves Graves E1i5e TwistedFate TwistedFate 난거의죽었다 Vayne Vayne 잊혀지는사람 Lulu Lulu ShiaJiBaWan RankedSolo 2021-12-0206:01:41 Victory 20m54s Trundle 1/ 4/ 12 3.25:1KDA Level11 40(1.9)CS P/Kill52% TierAverage Master ControlWard8 Fiora Fiora M64 Graves Graves Celina05 LeBlanc LeBlanc Rteefake Jinx Jinx Care7 Rakan Rakan xiaweisong Poppy Poppy 굴러굴러굴러가유 Viego Viego YouTube변세윤 Yasuo Yasuo 한라인은터진다 Jhin Jhin Nkwyjfxcq Trundle Trundle ShiaJiBaWan ShowMore
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