AQI : Real-Time Air Quality Index | Air Pollution Level

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AQI provides air pollution data with real-time Air Quality Index (AQI), PM2.5, PM10, CO, Ozone, SO2, NO2, temperature and humidity data of your location, ... , PrimaryPollutant AQI Map Dashboard RealtimeAirQualityIndex(AQI) Temp: ˚C|˚F Humid: PrimaryPollutant Pollutants Windspeed 33km/h UVIndex 16 Pressure 800mb AirPollutionGraph (last48hrs) Current PM2.5 PM10 NO2 SO2 CO O3 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 12 24 36 48 Humidity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 25 Min.20 Max. NearbyLocations AirQuality AQI PM2.5 PM10 Weather Temp Humidity Wind Pressure Clouds Rain ActiveFire AQI 400+ 400 300 200 100 50 0 µg/m³ 250+ 250 120 90 60 30 0 µg/m³ 430+ 430 350 250 100 50 0 °C 45+ 45 40 35 30 20 15 8 0 -10 % 75+ 75 65 55 40 20 0 noeuds 58.8+ 58.8 51.9 41.5 31.2 20.8 10.4 0.0 mb 1039+ 1000 900 800 700 600 500 % 0.983+ 0.900 0.700 0.600 0.400 0.200 0.100 QPF(mm) 100+ 100.0 50.0 20.0 10.0 5.0 1.0 0.10 55% AirQualityIndex Severe 36°C AQItrendinlast24Hrs. Min: Max:1 LastUpdated:15minutesago AQI AQI AQI AQI World'sMostPollutedLiveAirQualityRanking AirQualityIndexdepictstheextentofairpollutionataparticularlocation.Theseareworldrankingsofcitiesandcountrieswiththeworstairqualityinreal-time.Findoutwhetheryourlocationisamongthemostpolluted. CityRankings CountryRankings Rank MajorLocations AQI YourCity: Follow YourCountry: Follow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 Pakistan Bangladesh Ghana Armenia Chad Mali Uzbekistan Kazakhstan ElSalvador India BosniaAndHerzegovina CoteDIvoire Kuwait Peru China NorthKorea Uganda Macau Colombia Laos Algeria Turkmenistan Thailand HongKong Iraq Tajikistan SaudiArabia Iran Mongolia Georgia Ireland Serbia UnitedArabEmirates Israel Mexico Taiwan Macedonia Ethiopia Slovenia Vietnam Kosovo Slovakia Turkey Hungary SouthKorea Sudan France Monaco Burma Chile Luxembourg Croatia Japan Cyprus Ecuador Portugal Spain Italy Indonesia Greece TrinidadAndTobago UnitedStates Malta UnitedKingdom Jordan Denmark Martinique Poland SouthAfrica Czechia Switzerland Andorra Estonia Guadeloupe NewCaledonia Canada Germany Guatemala Lithuania Belgium Russia Singapore Norway Reunion Argentina Austria Malaysia Australia Botswana Liechtenstein Netherlands Bulgaria Romania Ukraine Sweden Brazil Montenegro Gibraltar Jersey FrenchGuiana Finland Moldova Brunei 204 Follow 191 Follow 177 Follow 175 Follow 169 Follow 158 Follow 158 Follow 155 Follow 146 Follow 138 Follow 130 Follow 119 Follow 110 Follow 110 Follow 109 Follow 102 Follow 102 Follow 97 Follow 90 Follow 89 Follow 87 Follow 87 Follow 81 Follow 80 Follow 76 Follow 76 Follow 75 Follow 74 Follow 72 Follow 66 Follow 64 Follow 64 Follow 62 Follow 61 Follow 61 Follow 61 Follow 60 Follow 58 Follow 57 Follow 55 Follow 54 Follow 54 Follow 53 Follow 47 Follow 47 Follow 46 Follow 45 Follow 43 Follow 42 Follow 39 Follow 39 Follow 37 Follow 37 Follow 34 Follow 34 Follow 34 Follow 34 Follow 33 Follow 32 Follow 31 Follow 31 Follow 31 Follow 30 Follow 30 Follow 29 Follow 28 Follow 28 Follow 28 Follow 28 Follow 27 Follow 27 Follow 26 Follow 26 Follow 26 Follow 26 Follow 25 Follow 25 Follow 25 Follow 25 Follow 24 Follow 24 Follow 24 Follow 23 Follow 23 Follow 22 Follow 22 Follow 22 Follow 21 Follow 21 Follow 21 Follow 21 Follow 20 Follow 19 Follow 19 Follow 17 Follow 16 Follow 14 Follow 13 Follow 13 Follow 12 Follow 10 Follow 9 Follow 0 Follow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Dogubayazit,Turkey Igdir,Turkey Lahore,Pakistan Tumkur,India Almaty,Kazakhstan Dharmsala,India Dhaka,Bangladesh Jinzhou,China Semnan,Iran KhemKaran,India Lanzhou,China Mauli,India NewDelhi,India ColdSprings,UnitedStates Wuyuan,China Accra,Ghana Islamabad,Pakistan Shihezi,China Ghaziabad,India Artashat,Armenia Gurgaon,India Longba,China Kuytun,China Faridabad,India Muzaffarpur,India Rohtak,India Xinan,China Kashgar,China Kulu,India Laiyang,China Manali,India Ndjamena,Chad Gurugram,India Lucknow,India Hisar,India Linfen,China Saharanpur,India DehraDun,India Lansdowne,India Noida,India Udhampur,India Ambala,India Bandipura,India Baramula,India Donghua,China Kulgam,India Rajaori,India Sinuiju,NorthKorea Srinagar,India Yishui,China 277 Follow 277 Follow 231 Follow 216 Follow 213 Follow 201 Follow 191 Follow 191 Follow 191 Follow 181 Follow 181 Follow 181 Follow 180 Follow 179 Follow 178 Follow 177 Follow 177 Follow 177 Follow 176 Follow 175 Follow 175 Follow 174 Follow 173 Follow 170 Follow 170 Follow 170 Follow 170 Follow 169 Follow 169 Follow 169 Follow 169 Follow 169 Follow 168 Follow 168 Follow 167 Follow 167 Follow 167 Follow 166 Follow 166 Follow 166 Follow 166 Follow 165 Follow 165 Follow 165 Follow 165 Follow 165 Follow 165 Follow 165 Follow 165 Follow 165 Follow Good Moderate Poor Unhealthy Severe Hazardous Real-TimeAirQualityIndex(AQI) Currentairpollutionlevelandweatherconditionofyourlocationwiththeaggregatelevelsofmajorpollutantsintheambientair. ˚C|˚F LocalTime | HealthAdvice Howtoprotectyourselffromairpollutionaround.? WeatherForecast Wed Misty 25˚C 16% Thu Misty 25˚C 16% Fri Misty 25˚C 16% Sat Misty 25˚C 16% Sun Misty 25˚C 16% Mon Misty 25˚C 16% Mon Misty 25˚C 16% Compareairpollutionofyourlocationvscity AQI Monitor PM2.5 PM10 SO2 NO2 O3 CO Updated Compareairpollutionofyourlocationvscity Compareairpollutionofyourlocationvscity Locations World'sMostPolluted LiveAirQualityIndexRanking AirQualityIndexdepictstheextentofairpollutionataparticularlocation.Theseareworldrankingsofcitiesandcountrieswiththeworstairqualityinreal-time.Findoutwhetheryourlocationisamongthemostpolluted. CityRankings CountryRankings Rank MajorLocations AQI YourCountry: Follow YourCity: Follow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Pakistan Bangladesh Ghana Armenia Chad Mali Uzbekistan Kazakhstan ElSalvador India BosniaAndHerzegovina CoteDIvoire Kuwait Peru China NorthKorea Uganda Macau Colombia Laos Algeria Turkmenistan Thailand HongKong Iraq Tajikistan SaudiArabia Iran Mongolia Georgia Ireland Serbia UnitedArabEmirates Israel Mexico Taiwan Macedonia Ethiopia Slovenia Vietnam Kosovo Slovakia Turkey Hungary SouthKorea Sudan France Monaco Burma Chile 204 Follow 191 Follow 177 Follow 175 Follow 169 Follow 158 Follow 158 Follow 155 Follow 146 Follow 138 Follow 130 Follow 119 Follow 110 Follow 110 Follow 109 Follow 102 Follow 102 Follow 97 Follow 90 Follow 89 Follow 87 Follow 87 Follow 81 Follow 80 Follow 76 Follow 76 Follow 75 Follow 74 Follow 72 Follow 66 Follow 64 Follow 64 Follow 62 Follow 61 Follow 61 Follow 61 Follow 60 Follow 58 Follow 57 Follow 55 Follow 54 Follow 54 Follow 53 Follow 47 Follow 47 Follow 46 Follow 45 Follow 43 Follow 42 Follow 39 Follow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Dogubayazit,Turkey Igdir,Turkey Lahore,Pakistan Tumkur,India Almaty,Kazakhstan Dharmsala,India Dhaka,Bangladesh Jinzhou,China Semnan,Iran KhemKaran,India Lanzhou,China Mauli,India NewDelhi,India ColdSprings,UnitedStates Wuyuan,China Accra,Ghana Islamabad,Pakistan Shihezi,China Ghaziabad,India Artashat,Armenia Gurgaon,India Longba,China Kuytun,China Faridabad,India Muzaffarpur,India Rohtak,India Xinan,China Kashgar,China Kulu,India Laiyang,China Manali,India Ndjamena,Chad Gurugram,India Lucknow,India Hisar,India Linfen,China Saharanpur,India DehraDun,India Lansdowne,India Noida,India Udhampur,India Ambala,India Bandipura,India Baramula,India Donghua,China Kulgam,India Rajaori,India Sinuiju,NorthKorea Srinagar,India Yishui,China 277 Follow 277 Follow 231 Follow 216 Follow 213 Follow 201 Follow 191 Follow 191 Follow 191 Follow 181 Follow 181 Follow 181 Follow 180 Follow 179 Follow 178 Follow 177 Follow 177 Follow 177 Follow 176 Follow 175 Follow 175 Follow 174 Follow 173 Follow 170 Follow 170 Follow 170 Follow 170 Follow 169 Follow 169 Follow 169 Follow 169 Follow 169 Follow 168 Follow 168 Follow 167 Follow 167 Follow 167 Follow 166 Follow 166 Follow 166 Follow 166 Follow 165 Follow 165 Follow 165 Follow 165 Follow 165 Follow 165 Follow 165 Follow 165 Follow 165 Follow Good Moderate Poor Unhealthy Severe Hazardous TotalnumberofGood&Badairqualitydaysinlastdaysat Good Moderate Poor Unhealthy Severe Hazardous METROCITIESOF REAL-TIMEAIRQUALITYINDEX(AQI) Explorethereal-timeairquality-PM2.5,PM10,CO,Ozone,SO2&NO2datafromAQIambientairqualitymonitors Real-time 24Hrs 7Days Month LastUpdate:23May2018,5:34am BIGCITIES AQI PM2.5 PM10 Ozone CO SO2 NO2 MIN MAX BIGCITIES AQI PM2.5 PM10 Ozone CO SO2 NO2 MIN MAX BIGCITIES AQI PM2.5 PM10 Ozone CO SO2 NO2 MIN MAX AirQualityIndexScale Knowaboutthecategoryofairqualityindex(AQI)yourambientairfallsinandwhatitimplies. Good 0-50 Theairisfreshandfreefromtoxins.Peoplearenotexposedtoanyhealthrisk. Moderate 51-100 Acceptableairqualityforhealthyadultsbutmildthreattosensitiveindividuals. Poor 101-200 Inhalingsuchaircancauseslightdiscomfortanddifficultyinbreathing. Unhealthy 201-300 Thiscouldbetypicallyproblematicforchildren,pregnantwomenandtheelderly. Severe 301-400 Exposuretoaircancausechronicmorbiditiesorevenorganimpairment. Hazardous 401-500 Beware!Yourlifeisindanger.Prolongedexposurecanleadtoprematuredeath. 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